Godfried-Willem Raes
for 3 to 6 players (at least one wind instrument, one string instrument and one percussionist)
Each player is at the same time a conductor for all other players, but never for himself. There is no hierarchy between the players. The piece consists of 4 sets (V1 to V4) each containing 4 sonic elements. A fifth set may consist of sonic ideas the players can add for themselves as additional material. This fifth set is not limited and does not neccesarily have to be written out beforehand. This fifth set can be diferent for each player.
The piece starts on the moment one of the players requests another player to play a sonic element from one of the sets. Finger signs have to be used here. One finger towards another player meaning this player is requested to perform an element from the first set. A full hand, signals selection from the fifth set.
Players do not have to start performing immediately on reception of a sign. They may wait until they find a musically sound point taking into account the context of the piece.
The piece ends as soon as players do no longer signal each other. No player should ever play without having received a cue from another player.
The score, which was first published in the Experimental Music Catalogue, London, 1973, can be requested for free by email from the Logos Foundation. The full score is depicted below.
P.S.: Voor uitvoeringen van dit stuk moeten noch mogen auteursrechten worden betaald. Elke poging tot inning van auteursrechten naar aanleiding van publieke uitvoeringen van dit stuk kan gerechterlijk als poging tot afpersing worden vervolgd.