Godfried-Willem Raes


This March was composed as a choreography for the inauguration of my <Bako> bass-accordion robot. The piece uses two microwave radar devices (PicRada) for movement sensing from the performers. Next to <Bako> the score also includes parts for <Snar> and <Troms>.

The piece is algorithmic and interactive at the same time. It was written in my 'GMT' language, a superset of Basic.

The '007-Marsch' was premiered on 10th of january 2007 by the author, Marian De Schryver and Moniek Darge (movement).

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P.S.: Voor uitvoeringen van dit stuk moeten noch mogen auteursrechten worden betaald. Elke poging tot inning van auteursrechten naar aanleiding van publieke uitvoeringen van dit stuk kan gerechterlijk als poging tot afpersing worden vervolgd.

Last update: February 21, 2010